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Our Cavalier Girls...

SweetGold Fridays Off
 SweetGold Apollo x SweetGold Mint Julep 

Friday is a lovely Blenheim girl. She has a beautiful headpiece and nicely proportioned body... and she has the sweetest ,most affectionate temperament. She is the daughter of our beloved "Mintie", and is descended from our original English Import "Pippi" (CH Lymrey Royal Gala).

SweetGold Rachael
 SweetGold Rainmaket x SweetGold Fridays Off


Rachael is a lovely "Friday" daughter. She is the 5th generation of SweetGold Cavaliers, originating from our foundation Lymrey English Import lineage.


SweetGold Amanda
 SweetGold Rainmaker x SweetGold Amelia


"Mandy" is very sweet and adorable girl. She has an interesting pedigee incorporating many famous kennels USA: Covington & Sheeba, as well as UK: Rosscrea, Maibee & Grantilley

SweetGold Angelina
 GCHG Brookhaven Here Comes Hogan x SweetGold Fridays Off

"Angie" is very sweet and sasy girl. She is a full sister to our

CH SweetGold Bradley 


SweetGold Philippa
 GCHS CH Orchard Hill's Inclusive x SweetGold Rachael

" Pippa" is littermate to CH SweetGold Prince", our adorable puppy champion. Watch for more details to follow

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